
  • Lauren Schwartz
  • May 09, 2024

ABC's Of UGC with The Loft 325

The ABCs of UGCs   We’re breaking down the importance of using User Generated Content (UGC) in your social marketing plans. Re-learn your ABCs: A - Authenticity: UGC provides ......
  • Lauren Schwartz
  • Feb 09, 2024

ABC's Of Creative Strategy with The Loft 325

We’re breaking down the key principles and elements that guide the development of effective and innovative creative campaigns. These principles are crucial for our team to ensure your message ......
  • Lauren Schwartz
  • Jan 12, 2024

Stanley's Stellar Rise: How Targeting Millennial Moms Catapulted Sales from Cool to Iconic

Totally getting why your customers are your jam is like, Marketing 101 gold. But hey, we're all guilty of kinda forgetting about them when we're in the thick of our marketing groove. Let's......
  • Admin
  • Jan 03, 2024

Post-Holiday Focus: Strategic Priorities for Q1

Following the exhilarating holiday season, marked by the success of Black Friday and significant inventory sales, there's an inevitable decline in business activity. This pattern, observed ......
  • Admin
  • May 17, 2023

The Future Looks Sunny& Bright

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any type of content that is created by users or customers rather than by the brand itself. This can include things like reviews, photos, videos, and social ......